Monday 4 April 2011

run on banks? nope we'll just keep being f**ked up the arse thanks!

Ok, so here's the thing. I may be a little tired right now (37 hours without sleep and counting) and therefore more aggressive etc etc but who gives a shit, this is serious. I've become tired, I've become tire of hearing about poverty and abuse and brutality, but most of all I'm tired of people claiming they can do nothing about it. You can, but it requires a radical change of mind. The powers that be have made a success of controlling and passifying the population and it's time we fought back before it's too late. It's time to fight for your mind and for the lives and dignity of all of us.
Firstly, read. read all you can read, never stop consume information. let it sustain you. Toss it around in your mind until it makes sense then question, like a 5year old in the 'why?' phase. Question it repeatedly, from all angles.
Secondly, STOP BUYING SHIT. again? STOP. FUCKING. BUYING. SHIT!why? why you ask? because you buying shit is aiding and abetting the systematic slaughter and abuse of billions of people world wide. As a population we have so much blood on our hands and so many atrocities caused by our dogged consumerism it will take generations to exonerate us but it starts here. So stop. Stop feeding the system, Stop making excuses. Not buying shit is easy, costs nothing and requires no effort. Buy locally sourced food or (real) fair trade products. Do your research. Make sure it's legit.
Thirdly, Stop using their banks stop using their monetry system. Boycott them in the fullest sense. Make sure they have no chance of survival and become a  true insurgent. There are more of us than there are of them. We could make their systems of control and abuse come crashing down.
Fourth, wake up! think of the rules and 'morals' you live by. did you create them? didn't think so. Are they harmful? probably.

As humans we must remember some things, never stop growing and learning. There is no shame in admitting you've been wrong time and time again. Your resistance is the only strength you have. Use it as a means for survival and a vessel to carry others into a good world.
rant over, instructions given. tune in next time

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